November, 1999

Uvalde, Texas...what a wonderful blend of the old and the new. The Classic members felt right at home at the Quail Springs RV Park, thanks to our hosts Ann & Tommy Walker, Virgie & Corky McHaney and Emmy & Gordon Dunlap. "Great Job"

Our ageless GMC Coaches, like the Air Show and the First State Bank, were an attraction within themselves. Only GMC's could command a police escort, be towed a hundred or so miles and have an entourage of mechanics awaiting their arrival as though they were the latest Indy cars!! Speaking of entourages, what about our founders, one half of the original group attended and what wonderful memories they shared with us.

When our GMC family members get together, we are always in for a treat. Those creative.juices were certainly flowing in Uvalde. The crafts, the beautiful models showing Off the latest fall fashions, and of course our multi-talented Dr. Feinstein, playing his harmonica while perched upon his own personal "throne".

I am often asked, what makes our club so great? What sets us apart from all the rest? The answer is always the same,
"Love"! ! !

"Love is the heart of Friendship"

As we enter the holiday season, I offer this challenge, reach out to someone less fortunate, share your love and make a new friend.

Remember, "It's not how much you do, but the love with which you do it!"

See you in 2000, until then, keep on Luv'n.

Happy Holidays,

Richard Roucloux